The English Theatre of Rome - Beetlecreek

The English Theatre of Rome
in collaboration with John Cabot University's Italy Reads Program

presents the World Premiere



Directed by James Blundell
Produced by Gaby Ford

Explosive forces at work beneath the surface of lonely people in the powerful theme of William Demby's unique American novel. "It would be hard", said the New Yorker, "to give Mr. Demby too much praise for the skill with which he has maneuvered the relationship in this book".

Bill Guion, Violetta Jackson, Tony Randell, Mell Tsabedze, Dillan Erics, Sophia Mann

This production was made with permission with the University Press Mississippi 

Full euro 15, Reduced euro 12, groups euro 10 (RSVP)

Friday 6 May at 20:00
Saturday 7 May at 17:00
Sunday 8 May at 17:00
Saturday 14 May at 17:00 and 20:00
Sunday 15 May at 17:00 and 20:00

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Call/WhatsApp: +39 346 3612 209 (English Theatre)  or + 39 333 8568 464 (Theatre Arciliuto)
Tel (after 15:00): +39 06 6879419 (Theatre Arciliuto)

TEATRO ARCILIUTO, Piazza di Montevecchio, 5, 00186, Roma
(small square between Via dei Coronari, Chiostro del Bramante and Via della Pace)